I hate getting sentimental on a LWW post but I’ve got a confession. You see, it was right here in the LBC where I fell in love again; where I found my real true love in the form of a tamale. Not a traditional tamale, but the Humitas Chilenas is a homemade sweet corn tamale soufflé topped with sautéed shrimp and a cayenne cream sauce. Unfortunately, this was a short-termed affair, as I had to leave when my ride was ready to go. Perhaps it was a romance influenced by alcohol, as I’d enjoyed more than my fair share of our two orders of sangria. Still, I think about it every day – my tasty tamale soufflé. But I will return again some day. I will definitely return.
But enough about me. This month’s outing was all about sangria, that fruited wine that’s so refreshing on a warm summer day. Sandy was our teacher, giving us the history of sangria with its roots in Spain, Argentina, and her homeland of Portugal. Alegria happens to have a rich, sweet red wine sangria, and for just $25 for a carafe. The Ladies went through two and weren’t disappointed.

Alegria Cocina Latina
115 Pine Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90802