Panvimarn is a popular local spot that I JUST enjoyed for the very first time today. JUST.
It’s certainly worthy of a mention on this here little blog even though I was only equipped with my iPhone 4s for photos* (then again, that’s the case for a lot of my posts so, no excuse). It’s incredible that I’ve never been here despite the fact that I pass it 10 times a week shuttling my kid to and from practices, a line meandering out from the front door – people anxious to get their Panvimarn on.

As much of a restaurant skank as I am, I don’t get around much on the Thai side. But everyone raves about Panvimarn, always running a close second to Los Compadres with my co-workers as the favorite lunch place.

I started by stealing a slurp of someone’s Tom Yum soup, a refreshing and zesty broth with a slight lemony tang with shrimp and mushrooms. One slurp didn’t prove to be enough. Luckily, that someone was kin enough to share more of her Tom Yum with me.
My entree was the Pad Thai Special, a dish that (as a Pad Thai novice) seemed perfectly cooked – balanced in flavor and texture, not too spicy. It was so good that I had to write about it (here).

Beyond the food, the styling was impressive, reminding me that LBC really does have some restaurants that can transport you and thrill you and elate you.

Panvimarn is a an affordable lunch choice (we went today to celebrate William’s 27th birthday – with tax, tip, and my contribution to his lunch, I left the place only $16 lighter) and a great social venue as well. I wouldn’t mind winding (or wining) down after work there with my girls. Or on the weekend with the hub.

So now I get it and when the announcement is made in our suite that a decision has been made to go to Panvimarn for lunch, I will no longer bow out blaming my diet or complain of how broke I am and that I should be saving my money (isn’t eating out what credit cards were made for?). I will say yes to Panvimarn. And maybe I’ll even venture outside the Pad Thai box.
4101 Bellflower Blvd. Ste. C
Long Beach, CA 90808
*Came back for my birthday lunch – brought my camera this time