The margarita is a well known, simple drink. Why am I doing a margarita today?
1. My last cocktail sucked [remember: Strawberry No-Nito]
2. For Valentine’s Day, my husband asked for a Ninja Blender
I must admit, it was pretty fun to make. I truly enjoy the rushing whir of the blender. Makes me think I’m in Las Vegas or at the club.
Actually, the sound mostly reminds me of Coffee Bean. But still fun.

And not much thinking to what we’re drinking: tequila, lime juice, orange liqueur, a few tablespoons of OJ, agave nectar or simple sugar (quite a bit if you like it on the sweet side like I do). Ready, Set, Blend! (Whirrrr)

And you’ve got a frosty treat with a numbingly smooth punch. I recommend serving your margaritas in margarita rather than martini glasses – do as I say, not as I do – but to each his own. It’s all about what’s inside, correct?
Happy Tipsy Tuesday!