Ladies Who Dine is a drop-in sort of an organization (ignore the fact that we are not really an organization). Those who can make it can, those (losers) who can’t (take time out of their “busy” lives for a little bonding and therefore aren’t able to) make it can’t, but are (almost) always welcome at the next outing (though those who attend are free to talk crap about those absent*). So we were thrilled to have Lady LML Cool J (aka Julio) join us after an extended leave of absence.
So there was reason to drink, and Table 301 is the right place for that. This is sure to become my new LBC chill spot. My happy drink place, as the cocktails are what’s up. Between us, we tried the**:
- Mezcal Rose – Mezcal, lime, and pomegranate (my favorite – I had two…maybe three)
- Orange Sour – Bourbon, lemon, orange, Orgeat
- Blackberry Gin Buck – gin, muddled blackberry, lime, ginger club soda
- Pineapple Rye Swizzle – pineapple, rye, lemon, simple sugar, bitters :: pretty
Another big win here is the space – easy, open, Long Beach cool. Downtown is hungry for its revival, one started by places like Romeo Chocolate, like Pie Bar and Bo-Beau on Pine, and the spots popping up in the East Village. Table 301 gives this area a major boost. It can pull in the my fellow civil servants based at the nearby city and county buildings, those who live and work in the area, and visitors with events at the convention center and nearby hotels. And people like me, willing to venture out of my hood for an evening or afternoon out.
Table 301 had been open just a month or so when we visited. While the menu is crafted some seasoned local chefs (of Delius fame, a LWD fave), there were hits and misses for me when it came to food. Since then, I’ve heard the kitchen has listened to diners’ feedback and made adjustments. I’d been hoping for something crave-able – for a dish that I’d not had before, or never had prepared so well (although this did happen for me with the Mezcal Rose). Instead, the dishes I tried weren’t exceptionally memorable. I recall the tiger (shrimp) corn dogs as just fine, a little greasier than they needed to be. I’d probably order it again.
The skillet potatoes didn’t disappoint, but, I mean, it’s potatoes with cheese – hard to do bad with that. Same with the street corn – not bad, but I’ve had better. What disappointed me was my chicken and corn pizza, my heartache coming from the chicken that tasted several days old. I see that it’s no longer on the menu (perhaps it was a summer dish), but the prosciutto & fig pizza still is, which was ordered by Lady Thick Leg – I tasted a small, non-prosciutto’d bite and that proved tasty indeed. They’ve also added a wider selection of pizzas, which I’m looking forward to trying soon. And, most importantly, I see something on the menu about house-made chips, a dish I mourned when Delius closed – super crave-able.
Long Beach, book a table at Table 301 now and keep going so we can help our wonderful Long Beach restaurants thrive.
*JK – we would never do that. J
**As I took nearly three months to write this post, the drink menu has evolved. The ones noted here may return in the summer.
Table 301
301 The Promenade in Long Beach

Oh…and we stopped by Pie Bar since we were so close. 🙂
The Pie Bar
450 Pine in Long Beach